Ikuti Perkembangan SMAC 09/10

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ucapan President....(6)

Salam to all my beloved friends from Human Sciences (HS) ….

First and foremost, let us praise to Allah with fully humble and obidiency. May the bless of Allah be with Prophet Muhammad SAW, ahlul Bait, and all The Sohabah….

We must remember that we are the servants of Rabbul A’lamin. We live because of Him (Allah) and we also die because of Him. Never and ever put yourself in misery the full of commiting sins.

All of us had known that Foundation Students Coordination Council (FSCC) organised an annual program of CFS IIUM that are called Sports and Martial Arts Carnival (SMAC) in this Semester 2 for the session of 2009/2010. “Where The Muslim Sports Arise” has been chosen as the motto for the event this year. This motto is applicable and it is symbolize meaningful words that we need to feel and understand because we are the students of International Islamic University Malaysia instead we are also a Muslim that need to be cautious with our doings either good or bad.

Without any further delay, I, Mohd Akram bin Muhammad as the President of Foundation Centre of Human Sciences Society (FOCHUSS) are glad to be with my friends especially the students of Human Sciences and particapate in this great event in order to show that Muslim is not only Muslim on the name but we are Muslims that have comprehensive religion (Islam). We are the active Muslims and we are capable to do something amazing and unpredictable as long as we are not overcross the boundaries that have been mentioned by Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Sincering our heart in all our doings are compulsory and it is obligatory for all Muslims to show the good manner and show to all that Islam is beautiful and it is the true way of life.

ALLAHUAKBAR… ALLAHUAKBAR… ALLAHUAKBAR… My beloved friends, let us come along and get together to strive for The Mardhotillah and live in joy and happiness but full of Barokah Wa Rohmah.

Show to the world the power of Muslims because we are the ummah of Muhammad SAW. Let us jolt the world with the hands of Muslimin, Mukminin, and Muttaqin…. Let all rise and become the Champions of Islam…. ALLAH IS EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS NOTHING WITHOUT ALLAH…. Wallahualam………
-Mohd Akram Muhammad (President of FOCHUSS)

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